Banquet Table Decorations - Get Creative With Candles
When you are planning your own wedding reception gathering all of your wedding reception table ideas is good.
You will want to think about the size of the room or marquee, how many people can you comfortably fit into the space? Always a good idea before you send out all of your invites or you might have to find a new venue.
If you are having a sit down meal, think about whether you want round tables or one long banquet style table.
Round tables are great as your guests can talk to all of the table rather than just the people they are sitting next to. The standard sizes of round tables are 5 foot and 6 foot (diameter), but always best to check with the table hirer. When planning any celebration of any size never leave anything to chance. A 5 foot round table can fit 8 people comfortably or 10 at a push. For 10 people you will probably have to put the side plates above the place setting rather than at the side. A 6 foot round table will fit 10 people comfortably or 12 at a push.
You may want to mix the tables and have a longtop table with round tables in front, think about the view each table will get of the top table as they will all want to see you. Top tables are good for adults but I would advise against putting young bridesmaids and page boys at the top as they will either want to go off and play or find their parents. One recent wedding there were times when only the groom was at the top table!
If you want to have a banquet style table setting then you can have one long rectangle or combinations. 'E' shaped table layouts work well as you can have the main wedding party on the long side of the 'E' with all of your guests on the branches.
A hollow square layout is good if your numbers are too big for a banquet style but you still want to have the chance of seeing everyone at once. Make sure the room is wide enough for this shape, otherwise it is a nightmare getting your guests served.
You will also need to take into account space for a buffet table and serving stations (where the waiters will work from) if you are having those for your main reception.
Don't panic if you can't fit a dance floor into the space when you have all of your tables in place. You will easily be able to move tables off the dance floor for the evening to boogie! Maybe not in your wedding dress! A good job for the ushers if you are organising the wedding yourselves.
A good way to assess whether your wedding reception table ideas layout will work is to do a scale drawing of the space and then insert scale cut-outs for the tables, this way you can move everything around without the manual labour. Don't forget space for chairs and to be able to move around, also take note of the fire exits. I find the easiest way to do this is to have a centimetre per foot as it makes drawing the tables easier and less maths!